Thursday, July 11, 2013

Randy Travis in Serious Condition

Randy Travis performing 2012

Randy Travis the country singer and the reputed Hollywood man who is down with some serious medical conditions and the celebs world are all worried about him. So, are the fans of Randy Travis who was once a sensation and now-a-days was a guys close to his fifties but got baffled with heart problems and was soon sent to the hospital in serious condition. His rockstar days are gone and he is an old man now but that doesn't mean people don't still love him, he is getting the best wishes from all his friends and family and the Hollywood world.

*The publicist of Randy Travis told that Randy is receiving warm wishes from everybody in the Hollywood industry. The big names include Josh Turner, The Oak Ridge Boys, Joe Nichols, Lyle Lovett, Kenny Rogers, Ray Price, Lee Greenwood and Chuck Norris. Yeah including Chuck Norris who just called recently to say him get well soon and be back in his game. Chuck seems to be worried about his mate Randy and now Chuck wants him to be well and get over the disease and comeback like a hero from it.

Randy is still in critical condition and the hospital reported that he had a stroke last night as well which makes his condition highly critical. But, he is going to make it out of the sickness and we too wish him luck getting back safe from the sickness and become the country music sensation he was back in the days.

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